Q1. He has taken to ____habit of smoking .


     A. the

     b. an

     c. a

     d. none of above

ANS  A. the

Q2. I met _____old women .

    A. the 

    b. a

    c. an

    d. with 

ANS  c. an

Q3. Have you _____difficulty ?


   A. face 

   b.  any

   c.  the

   d.  an

ANS  b. any

Q4. Honest is ____ best policy .


     A. an

     b. the

     c. a

     d. none of above

ANS   b. the

Q5. There was ______traffic on the road .

    A. much

    b. any

    c. many

    d.  an

ANS    A. much

Q6. He is ______ M.A.  in english .

    A. the

    b.  an

    c. a

    d. that

ANS  b.  an

Q7.  The world is ______unhappy place .

    A. an

    b. the

    c. a

    d. none of these

 ANS   A. an

Q8. They made him ____king .

   A. an

   b. a

   c. the 

   d. none of these

ANS  d. none of these

Q9. It is difficult to run a school with so _____students.

   A. a few

   b. the few

   c. few 

   d. none of  these

ANS  c. few

Q10. You have _____flower in your garden .

   A, some

   b. few

   c. the

   d. an

ANS   A, some

Q11. ______ganga is _____sacred river.

      A. the , a

      b.  an , the

      c. the , an

      d. a , an

ANS   A. the , a

Q12. I need _____pen .

    A. The

    b. an

    c. a

    d. this

ANS  c. a

Q13. This poet is ______ kalidas of india .

    A. the 

    b.  a

    c. an

    d. of 

ANS   A. the 

Q14. Darjeeling is on ______ Himalayas .


  A. an 

  b. the 

   c. a 

   d. that

ANS   b. the 

Q15. They have formed _______union .

    A. the 

    b. an

    c. a

    d. this 

ANS  c. a

Q16. Do _____ people attend the meetings ?

    A. many

    b. this 

    c. some

    d. any

ANS   A. many

Q17. I want ______the money .

    A. the

    b. half

    c. an

    d. that 

ANS  b. half

Q18. There was not ______ milk .

  A. a few 

  b.  any

  c. this 

  d. none of these

ANS   b.  any

Q19. She gave me ______ rose .


  A. an

  b. a

  c. the

  d. that 

ANS  b. a

Q20. May i ask you _______questions ?

    A. few 

    b. a few 

    c. the few

    d. none of these

ANS  b. a few

Q21. She is wearing ______ blue saree .

  A. the 

  b. a

  c. an

  d. that

ANS  b. a

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