Q1. It is the duty of every citizen to uphold and protect the ________, unity and integrity of India ?

1. autonomy

2. authority 

3. sovereignty 

4. privacy

ANS 3. sovereignty 

Q2. Who moved the Objective Resolution that was later adapted as the Preamble of the Constitution of India ?

1. Rajendra Prasad 

2. JB Kripalani 

3. Jawaharlal Nehru 

4. BR Ambedkar

ANS  3. Jawaharlal Nehru 

Q3. Protection of life and liberty is included under which Article of the Constitution of India ?

1. Article 21 

2. Article 23 

3. Article 24 

4. Article 20

ANS  1. Article 21 

Q4. Which of the following is NOT a Fundamental Right ?

1. Right to Freedom of Religion 

2. Right against Exploitation 

3. Right to Equality 

4. Right to Vote

ANS  4. Right to Vote

NOTE -: In India, the right to vote is provided by the Constitution and the Representation of People's Act, 1951, subject to certain disqualifications. Article 326 of the Constitution guarantees the right to vote to every citizen above the age of 18 .

Q5. Fundamental Duties were added in the Constitution of India under the leadership of which Prime Minister of India ?

1. Narsimha Rao 

2. Charan Singh 

3. Indira Gandhi 

4. Lal Bahadur Shastri

ANS 3. Indira Gandhi 

IMPORTANT POINTS :-  • Indira Gandhi (1966-1977) and (1980-1984) .

Q6. The foremost right among rights to freedom is ________ ?

1. Right to life and personal liberty 

2. Preventive detention 

3. Freedom to assemble 

4. Right to freedom of speech and expression 

ANS  1. Right to life and personal liberty 

Q7.  Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides for freedom to manage religious affairs?

1. Article 49 

2. Article 26 

3. Article 12 

4. Article 35

ANS  2. Article 26

Q8. Who among the following was the head of the Indian Statutory Commission of 1928 ?

1. John Gilbert Simon 

2. Jan David Simon 

3. Clement Richard Attlee 

4. Sir John Simon

ANS  4. Sir John Simon

IMPORTANT POINTS :- • India Statutory Commission also known as the Simon Commission , • It was a group of Seven Members of British Parliament under the Chairmanship of John Simon. 

Q9.  Which of the following is described as the ‘Soul of the Constitution’ ?

1. Fundamental Rights 

2. Directive Principles of State Policy 

3. Preamble 

4. Fundamental Duties

ANS  3. Preamble 

IMPORTANT POINTS:- • KM Munshi called Preamble as – Political Horoscope of Indian Constitution • Thakurdas Bhargav called Preamble as – Soul of the Constitution • NA Palhiwala called Preamble as – Identity card of the Constitution • Article 32 – is called as the Heart and Soul of the Indian Constitution by Dr. BR Ambedkar 

Q10 .  When was the first Constituent Assembly election held in India ?

1. 1949 

2. 1946 

3. 1947 

4. 1948

ANS 2. 1946 

    IMPORTANT POINTS:- • Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the President of the Constituent Assembly. • It took 2 years, 11 months and 18 Days for the Constituent Assembly to finalize the Constitution.

Q11.  Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India has a provision for the Constitution of Legislatures in States ?

1. 167 

2. 165 

3. 163 

4. 168

ANS  4. 168

Q12. When did the Sarkaria Commission submit its report ?

1. 1985 

2. 1984 

3. 1988 

4. 1986

ANS  3. 1988 

IMPORTANT POINTS:- • Setup in – 1983 • Headed by – Justice Ranjit Singh Sarkaria • Aim –Examine the Central-State relations on various portfolios and suggest changes within the framework of constitution of India. • Other Members – B Sivaraman(Cabinet Secretary), SR Sen(former Executive Director of IBRD), Rama Subramaniam(Member Secretary) 

Q13.  The disqualification of the membership of a State Legislature is laid down in which Article of the Indian Constitution ?

1. Article 190 

2. Article 14 

3. Article 144 

4. Article 191

ANS  4. Article 191

Q14.  Which article of the Constitution of India guarantees Equality of opportunity in matters of public Employment ?

1. Article 18 

2. Article 17

 3. Article 19

 4. Article 16

ANS  4. Article 16

IMPORTANT POINTS:- • Article 16 – Equality of opportunity in matters of public Employment • Article 17 – Abolition of Untouchability • Article 18 – Abolition of titles • Article 19 – Guarantees to all the citizens the six rights 

Q15.  The concept of ‘Reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the House of the People’ is in the Article ?

1. ARTICLE - 330 

2. ARTICLE - 345 

3. ARTICLE - 361 

4. ARTICLE - 326

ANS  1. ARTICLE - 330 

Q16.  Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India provides power to the President for promulgating ordinances ?

1. Article 123 

2. Article 77 

3. Article 111 

4. Article 143

ANS  1. Article 123 

Q17.  Which article of the Constitution of India mentions that the Lok Sabha must have a Speaker and a Deputy Speaker ?

1. Article 93 

2. Article 85 

3. Article 97

 4. Article 10

ANS  1. Article 93

IMPORTANT POINTS:- • Article 79 – Constitution of Parliament • Article 80 – Composition of Rajya Sabha • Article 81 – Composition of Lok Sabha • Article 83 – Duration of Houses of Parliament 

Q18.  On which day is Constitution Day celebrated every year in India ?

1. 2 October 

2. 30 November 

3. 15 October 

4. 26 Nov  

ANS  4. 26 Nov  

ADOPTIONS:- • Constitution – 26 Nov 1949(Effect – 26 Jan 1950) • Supreme Court of India – 26 Jan 1950 • Parliament – 26 Jan 1950 • Lok Sabha – 17 April 1952 • Rajya Sabha – 03 April 1952 • National Anthem(Jana Gana Mana) – 24 Jan 1950(first sung 27 Dec 1911) • National Song(Vande Mataram) – 24 Jan 1950 • Preamble – 26 Nov 1949(Effect – 26 Jan 1950) 

Q19. Which of the following committees recommended inclusion of fundamental duties ?

1. Ashok mehta Committee 

2. Radha Krishnan Committee 

3. Balwant rai Mehta Committee 

4. Swaran Singh Committee

ANS  4. Swaran Singh Committee

IMPORTANT POINTS:- • Borrowed from – USSR(Russia) • Starting 10 Duties added by – 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 • 11th Fundamental Duty added by – 86th Amendment Act of the 2002 

Q20. Which article of Indian constitution deals with discrimination against any Indian citizen on various grounds ?

1. Article 11 

2. Article 19 

3. Article 13 

4. Article 15

ANS  4. Article 15

IMPORTANT POINTS:- • Article 15 – Prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth 


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